
Android malware silentclient.apk silentservice of root phones (rooted)

threat keywords:

  • silentservice
  • silentclient.apk
  • Log
  • LogicDownloads
  • datang_gaoyang
  • 低聲下載
  • 靜默渠道
  • com.android.as
  • 山寨手機

(remove) system app apk:
- Android 更新 4.1 (system apk)
- SystemThreads (system apk)
path (/sdcard):


Below are fixes at your sole own risks

If not rooted (手機沒 root)
1a) rename path /sdcard/datang_gaoyang to /sdcard/datang_gaoyang.bak
1b) create an empty file /sdcard/datang_gaoyang
2a) rename path /sdcard/Log/app_service to /sdcard/Log/app_service.bak
2b) create an empty file /sdcard/Log//app_service
3a) rename path /sdcard/LogicDownloads to /sdcard/LogicDownloads.bak
3b) create an empty file /sdcard/LogicDownloads
4) reboot

(PS. the /sdcard/Log/app_service/* will keep logging, because the malwares are running, but bugged to download, and will still submitting your IMEI, etc.)

If rooted (手機已 root)
  1. remove the above 2 systems apps
  2. perform above 1a, 2a, 3a to cleanup
  3. reboot

Good luck.

Problematic apks backup for examination:
  1. SystemThread_3.0.apk http://goo.gl/08uOp
  2. Android更新_4.1.apk http://goo.gl/Ouljj

to be updated ~


Google Crisis Response - 2011 Sendai 日本仙台8.9級地震



Google Crisis Response - a google.org project


Google simplifies the keyboard layout

  • Good-Bye: Windows-key, Windows-Menu-key
  • Good-Bye: Insert, Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn
  • Good-Bye: F1 to F12
  • Add: Power button (too near to the Backspace key?)
  • Add: Speaker and brightless buttons
  • Add: forward/backward buttons
I like the bigger Ctrl and Alt keys, I *never* want or need the Windows Super_L and Super_R.

Here I have some new todos: change shortcut keys for awesome, openbox, vim, vimperator, and tmux.conf


Script to generate script, takes care of read permission with sudo

Instead of edit checking afterwards a manual typed script, write a prove script to generate later on scripts.

System change, the script will change while if it can.

Build machine(s) to reproduce machines :)

put it into for example ~/.bashrc will generate a file for afterwards sourc-ing.



1995 September PC Parts Prices (Historical)

整理舊文件時,找回一份 1995 年的電腦部件報價單。

486 VL 大概是 486 Vesa Local Bus
NE2000 是 10/100 Ethernet NIC
SVGA 顯卡 HK$620 !
DX80 大概是 486DX 80 MHz
DX100 大概是 486DX 100 MHz

Conner 425 大概是 Hard Disk Drive
現在竟然有價 100+ euro (November 03, 2010, 08:01:02 PM)


convert avi to webm

$ time mencoder -ovc lavc -oac lavc -of lavf -lavfopts format=webm -lavcopts acodec=vorbis:vcodec=libvpx -ffourcc VP80 test.avi -o test.webm