
Panasonic 256MB SD Card hdparm -tT

Using USB card reader
$ uname -a
Linux localhost 2.6.13-ck7 #1 Fri Oct 7 13:06:57 HKT 2005 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1700MHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor       : 0
vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
cpu family      : 6
model           : 9
model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1700MHz
stepping        : 5
cpu MHz         : 1398.848
cache size      : 1024 KB
fdiv_bug        : no
hlt_bug         : no
f00f_bug        : no
coma_bug        : no
fpu             : yes

fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level     : 2
wp              : yes
flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 tm pbe est tm2
bogomips        : 2799.17
$ hdparm -tT /dev/sda
 Timing cached reads:   504 MB in  2.26 seconds = 222.75 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:   12 MB in  3.16 seconds =   3.80 MB/sec


Aopen 1545 Nvidia Xorg.conf

xorg.conf [Aopen 1545 / NVidia ]

# startx [-- -layout Default]   Laptop ONLY
# startx [-- -layout Dual]      Laptop + Proview

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option  "DefaultServerLayout" "Default"
        Option  "DontZoom"
        Option  "AllowMouseOpenFail"
        # Option        "Xinerama" "Yes"

Section "Module"
        Load    "synaptics"

        # 2003.09.20
        # (1)   Load "xtt"
        # (2)   remark Load "Type1"
        # (3)   remark Load "freetype"
        # Load  "xtt"
        # Load  "freetype"
        Load    "type1"

        # do not use GLcore/dri with nVidia
        Load    "dbe"
        Load    "extmod"

        # from NvNews forum
        # Load  "fbdevhw"
        Load    "glx"           # Required for NVidia
        # Load  "dri"           # Prohibited for NVidia
        # Load  "record"
        # Load  "ddc"           # what is DDC ?
        # Load  "xtrap"
        # Load  "speedo"

Section "Files"
        RgbPath         "/usr/lib/X11/rgb"
        ModulePath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/misc/"
        # FontPath      "/usr/share/fonts/Speedo/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/"
        # FontPath      "/usr/share/fonts/CID/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/zh_TW/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/zh_CN/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/ja/aqua/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "KEYBOARD"
        Driver      "kbd"
        Option "AutoRepeat" "250 30"

#       Option "XkbModel"       "microsoft"
        Option "XkbLayout"      "us"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "SYNAPTICS"
        Driver  "synaptics"
        Option  "Protocol"      "auto"
        #Driver "mouse"
        #Option "Protocol"      "IMPS/2"
        Option  "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"

        # 2004.03.22 Testing
        #Option "Protocol"      "auto-dev"
        #Option "Device"        "/dev/psaux"
        #Option "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"

#       Option  "LeftEdge"      "1900"
#       Option  "RightEdge"     "5400"
#       Option  "BottomEdge"    "1800"
#       Option  "TopEdge"       "3900"
#       Option  "FingerLow"     "25"
#       Option  "FingerHigh"    "30"
#       Option  "MaxTapTime"    "180"
#       Option  "MaxTapMove"    "220"
#       Option  "VertScrollDelta" "100"
#       Option  "MinSpeed"      "0.02"
#       Option  "MaxSpeed"      "0.18"
#       Option  "AccelFactor"   "0.0010"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "USBMOUSE"
        Driver  "mouse"
        #Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"

        # Option        "Device" "/dev/mouse"
        Option  "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"
        # Option        "Device" "/dev/input/event2"

        Option  "Protocol" "auto"
        # Option        "Protocol" "auto-dev"

        Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option  "Emulate3Buttons"
        Option  "Emulate3Timeout" "50"

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Laptop"
        Option          "DPMS"

        # Added: 2004-03-11
        Option "NoDDC" "true"

        #HorizSync      29-65
        #VertRefresh    31.5-60
        #DisplaySize    304 228         # at 117dpi

        #DisplaySize    416 312         # 1.37 times of above

        # Updated 2003.09.23
        HorizSync       29-65
        VertRefresh     31.5-60
        DisplaySize     290 220

        # 2003.10.05 from xvidtune
        # Modeline      "1400x1050"     122.00  1400 1488 1640 1880     1050 1052 1064 1082 +hsync +vsync
        # 2004.03.25 from ddcxinfo-knoppix
        Modeline        "1400x1050"     122.61  1400 1488 1640 1880     1050 1051 1054 1087 -Hsync +Vsync

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "Laptop"
        Device          "Card0"
        Monitor         "Laptop"
        DefaultDepth    16
        # Option                "IgnoreEdid" "1"
        # Option                "GenerateRTList" "0"
        # Option                "OverridePolarity" "1"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     16
                Modes   "1400x1050"

#Section "Monitor"
#       Identifier      "Proview 568"
#       VendorName      "BMM"
#       ModelName       "BMM0238"
#       HorizSync       35.0-58.0
#       VertRefresh     55.0-75.0
#       Option          "dpms" "true"

#Section "Screen"
#       Identifier      "Proview 568"
#       Device          "Card1"
#       Monitor         "Proview 568"
#       DefaultDepth    16
#       SubSection "Display"
#               Depth   16
#               Modes   "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
#       EndSubSection

# Default Laptop Display at 1400x1050 (No TwinView)
Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier      "Default"
        Screen      0  "Laptop" 0 0
        InputDevice     "SYNAPTICS" "CorePointer"
        InputDevice     "KEYBOARD" "CoreKeyboard"
        InputDevice     "USBMOUSE" "SendCoreEvents"
#       InputDevice     "USBMOUSE" "CorePointer"

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Card0"
        Driver          "nvidia"
        VendorName      "nVidia Corporation"
        BoardName       "NV11 [GeForce2 Go]"
        BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"
        Option  "UseEdidFreqs" "True"
        Option  "dpms"
        Option  "NvAGP" "1"     # "0"=no "1"=nvagp "2"=agpart "3"=any
        Option  "NoLogo" "True"
        Option  "HWcursor" "On"
        Option  "SWCursor" "Off"
        Option  "CursorShadow"  "1"
 # Option "FlatPanelScalingMode" "Centered" # "Centered" or "Scaled"
        Option  "RenderAccel"  "on"
        #Option  "Rotate"  "ccw"
        Option  "AGPMode"  "4"
        Option  "AGPFastWrite"  "true"
        # Option "EnablePageFlip" "true"

        # TwinView on nVidia
 #Option  "TwinView"
 #Option  "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "35.0-58.0"
 #Option  "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "55.0-75.0"
 #Option  "MetaModes"                     
 #Option  "TwinViewOrientation"  "LeftOf"
 #Option  "ConnectedMonitor"
 Screen  0

Section "Extensions"
#       Option "Composite" "Enable"

# Default Laptop Display at 1400x1050 with TwinView on Separte Device
#Section "ServerLayout"
#       Identifier      "Dual"
#       Screen          0 "Laptop"
#       SCreen          1 "Proview 568" leftof "Laptop"
#       InputDevice     "SYNAPTICS" "CorePointer"
#       InputDevice     "KEYBOARD" "CoreKeyboard"
#       InputDevice     "USBMOUSE" "SendCoreEvents"
##      InputDevice     "USBMOUSE" "CorePointer"

#Section "Device"
##      Identifier      "NVIDIA GeForce2Go 32MB DDR"
#       Identifier      "Card1"
#       Driver  "nvidia"
#       BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"
#       Option  "NODDC" "1"
#       Option  "NvAGP" "1"     # "0"=no "1"=nvagp "2"=agpart "3"=any
#       #Option "NoLogo" "True"
#       Option  "HWcursor" "On"
#       Option  "SWCursor" "Off"
#       Option  "CursorShadow"  "1"
#       Option  "FlatPanelScalingMode" "Scaled"         # "Centered" or "Scaled"
#       Option  "RenderAccel"           "false"
#       Screen  1


Hong Kong Wifi Hotspots


H1. 上環近永安
H2. 灣仔電腦廣場樓下地面或1樓
H3. 銅鑼灣 JP 外既小巴站
H4. 灣仔電腦城對面間三聯1/f近窗位
H5. PCCW building, Quarry Bay
H6. 以前北角村前面間酒店


K1. Hollywood plaza, 1/F near Fuzion cafe shop.
K2. Pacific place, food court and 1/F near Marks and Spencer.
K3. Festival Walk, close to pacific coffee
K4. Mongkok on the street near Standford hotel


N1. Tuen Mun Town Centre

12. 所有信和集團既商場
13. Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, Hong Kong
14. Empire Centre, Hong Kong
15. China Hong Kong City (Ferry Terminal), Hong Kong
16. Olympian City 1, Hong Kong
17. Olympian City 2, Hong Kong
18. Island Resort Mall, Hong Kong
19. 銅鑼灣世貿中心 (新鴻基地產提供)
20. 智德中心eTECH (近鵝頸橋天樂里口有大電視既電腦中心)
21. 拍寧酒店大堂
22. 皇室堡電腦廣場 12/F 最入mac機鋪外
23. 藍田地車站啟田出口
24. 清真寺門口..大約219x站
25. 銅鑼灣..近泉章居的starbucks
26. MongKok 環球模型.
27. 黃埔船頭對住既"大家樂"
28. 機鐵沿線暫時都可以FREE Browsing
29. 灣仔洛克道M722巴士站
30. 屯門柏麗廣場商場內
31. 中環士丹利街間壇島茶餐廳
32. 黃埔吉野家
33. 觀塘碼頭廣場地下茶餐廳
34. 灣仔謝菲道六國酒店對出
35. Shatin - KFC in New Town Plaza
36. 旺角百老匯戲院門口
37. 青衣城大家樂
38. 尖沙咀 新世界中心
39. 九龍灣 德福廣場二期馬拉松
40. 灣仔新記--近東方188
41. 旺角登打仕街高仕大廈 四樓至六樓
42. 土瓜灣龍甫道 (近天光道)
43. Pacific place L1 food court (Suzuki Cafe) SSID : suzuki
44. 金鐘海富中心 Canteen SSID : efc
45. 世貿可以免費上網. 大家可以在服務中心, 問佢Login ID.
      Login ID:wtc
      *W*orld *T*rade *Centre*

46. 萬豪酒店
47. 上環西港城一帶
48. 旺角home place cafe
49. 銅鑼灣e電城
50. Burger King at Kuala Lumpur International Airport International Departure Terminal
51. 奧海城 2 期 food court (金牌坊)
52. IFC II