
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs


Link: Microsoft
Link: Wikipedia

Microsoft has issued a version of Windows that brings the security features of XP Service Pack 2 to older PCs. The software is designed for firms that are not yet ready to replace ageing kit, and is only available to Microsoft customers with Software Assurance licensing agreements

Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (WinFLP), formerly codenamed Eiger, is based on Microsoft Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 (SP2) and provides the same security and management features, said Microsoft.

However, the software is designed to work on systems that are currently running older versions of Windows, such as Windows 98, for which Microsoft ended technical support this month. These systems are often too underpowered to effectively run the full version of Windows XP.

For this reason, WinFLP functions as a “lean client”, accessing server-hosted apps via Microsoft’s RDP or Citrix ICA clients. Only a limited number of other apps will run locally, including security tools, management clients, terminal emulation software, document viewers, and the .Net Framework, Microsoft said.

The stripped-down Windows client requires a computer with a 233MHz processor and at least 64MB memory, but Microsoft recommends a 300MHz system with 256MB memory. It also requires about 600MB of disk space, depending on the options chosen and applications installed locally.

WinFLP will allow organisations with such legacy systems to continue to use them until they are ready to replace their desktop hardware, according to Microsoft, when they will probably upgrade to systems with Windows Vista.

Microsoft Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (WinFLP) is a Windows-based operating system designed for enterprise customers with legacy PCs who are not in a position to purchase new hardware. WinFLP provides the same security and manageability as Microsoft Windows XP SP2 while providing a smooth migration path to the latest hardware and operating system.

Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (WinFLP) requires:

  • A minimum of 611 MB of free hard drive space. Actual requirements will vary based on your system configuration and the applications and features you choose to install. Installing all optional components requires 1151 MB of disk space. These requirements are reported on the screen as you select options in the Setup wizard. Additional hard disk space may be required if you are installing over a network. Also, you should reserve additional space for future updates and service packs.

  • A computer with 233 megahertz or higher processor clock speed (300 MHz is recommended); Intel Pentium/Celeron family, or AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible processor is recommended.

  • 64 MB of RAM. 256 MB of RAM is recommended.

微軟的這個操作系統是在 WindowsXP 的基礎上修改而來,去除了WinXP中任何特效和視覺效果等華麗內容。

現在使用的很多古老系統可能無法安裝使用 WindowsXP 及其以后的操作系統,這個全新操作系統就是為這樣的用戶准備的,讓他們可以擁有安全的系統,同時又不會在性能上有什麼損失。


最小 611MB 可用磁盤空間. 實際需求因您的系統配置與您選擇安裝的應用程序與功能而异. 安裝所有可選的組件需要 1151MB 磁盤空間. 您在安裝向導中選擇不同選項時, 這些需求會在屏幕顯示. 如果通過網絡安裝, 可能需要附加的磁盤空間. 另外, 您應該為將來的更新與服務包(service packs)預留一些空間.

處理器 233MHz 或更高 (推荐 300MHz); 推荐 Intel 奔騰/賽揚系列, 或 AMD K6/速龍/毒龍系列, 或兼容的處理器.

64MB 內存. 推荐 256MB

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